10 Ways To Prepare For A Stress Free Move

Steven Ho Buyer, Seller, Tips

1. Counsel the kids.

Communication is important for any relationship. To provide closure for the kids and reassurance that they can continue to participate in the activities that they enjoy is important. Whether they play baseball or skating, hobbies, lessons, clubs they’re enrolled in, show them where they can continue that in the new neighbourhood. For the smaller children, let them know where all the parks and playgrounds are going to be near your new home. Call places that provide the lessons your kids are interested in and have info for your child. You’ll get the cool mom award because you’re showing them that you care enough to prioritize their needs.


2. Free moving boxes.

Considering moving boxes are made out of cardboard, how are they so expensive? Check out freecycle.org., a sharing forum for groups of people to share things they want/do not want. Recently moved people are very willing to give their moving boxes away.


3. Know your movers!

Before you decide on the moving company that will transport your possessions, shop around, get to know them, get some quotes. You should personally meet them/the company and research their track record. Get some referrals. Your movers should be professional and be respectful to you and your belongings. If you’re not comfortable with them, it’s not worth the headache when something uncomfortable happens.


4. Pack wisely.

Packing is an art. Packing breakables in between a layer of blankets, towels, bed sheets in a box will prevent breaking (Dishes, glassware, vases, etc.). Making use of food containers to pack dry foods will help save space as well (sugar, flour, cereals, salt, etc).


5. Mo’ money, Mo’ problems.

Moving to a new city can lead to a set of problems that were unforeseen, especially if your bank isn’t in the new town. Make sure the bank you use is near your new house.


6. First Aid moving box.

Make sure you have a box dedicated for the actual move day. This box should be filled with things that you will need on moving day. Such as a coffee maker, coffee, snacks, hair ties, tools: box cutters, screw drivers; toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, hand soap, and trash bags. Make sure it’s labelled “Moving Day” and make sure it’s the last to go on the truck and the first to come off.


7. Entertainment.

If you are moving great distances, make sure there are some fun places on the way you can stop, relax and have some fun. Let the kids decide where they want to stop. Plan for pit stop activities for the family to release some anxiety: a football, Frisbee, bubbles, or cards could do the trick. They should be lightweight and easy to store in the rest of the boxes.


8. Be organized.

Have all the paper work you need put in a binder for quick referencing. Important phone numbers, utility company information, hotel reservations, contracts, health information, movers information, etc.


9. Get your kids involved.

Let your kids decide how they want to decorate their room with posters, wallpaper or paint colours. Giving them decision power will help them enjoy and look forward to their move and help the kids settle in faster.



Use bright labels to mark boxes that need to be unpacked first. Put labels on all 4 sides of the box so that you can easily see which box you want to unpack next. Prioritize the essentials so that you can go about your day easier and adapt faster to your new environment. Dishes, utensils, alarm clock, bedding, etc.