Are You Forgetting To Clean These?

Steven Ho Tips

When it comes time to clean certain parts of our home are more obvious than others. Here’s a list of items which you might have forgotten and how to clean them!


Light and Lamp Switches

This is a big one which a lot of us overlook. It’s used everyday, and by everyone in the household which makes it a high contender for grimy hand residue. Using a cloth soaked in hot water and vinegar disinfect items, and to dry use a polishing cloth.


This one may seem a bit obvious to some, but you would not believe how many people miss this! Handrails and doorknobs (just like light switches) are another staple part of our day which we don’t realize. Any kind of oil, dirt or bacteria on our (or others’) hands get transferred on.

Computer Accessories

In this day and age our avid use of technology means there’s rarely an instant where we’re without it. For those with computers, laptops, or even tablets stop what you’re doing and give it a gentle scrub. Think of the times you’ve coughed, sneezed or done something of that nature at your desk. Detach whichever parts you can from your computer, using a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in soapy water and gently scrub.

Reusable Shopping Bags

Bet you didn’t expect this one. Those of you who use either the cloth or plastic bags to carry your grocery items, it’s a good idea to to clean them up a bit. They may start to smell and can be a potential breeding ground for bacteria. The cloth bags can be thrown into the washing machine while the plastic bags could be wiped down or rinsed and dried out for a more thorough clean.

Water Bottles

If you think filling up your bottle and briefly rinsing it does the job, that’s where you’re wrong. Soak your bottle in a hot, soapy bath for about 10-15 minutes. Then take a bottle brush and scrub the insides, and use a toothpick for cleaning out the mouthpiece before rinsing thoroughly.



Faucets are thought to be the dirtiest thing in your home, as it encounters many messy hands which may not get washed off completely without a good soapy scrub. For a shiny surface create a paste combining baking soda and vinegar, rub it onto the faucet, let it sit and then rinse.

Toothbrush Holder

When cleaning your bathroom skipping your toothbrush holder is a big mistake. The water from your toothbrush can drain into the holder creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Every so often rinse it with soap and water, and then wipe it dry.

Shower Curtain

If your shower curtain is of a lighter colour then it’s dirtiness can be seen explicitly within a few weeks. Put the curtain as well as the liner into the washing machine along with your towels, with one cup of baking soda to come out with spotless curtains.


Definitely one of the top items to be forgotten in the cleaning process. With its crevices between buttons and exposure to snacks, there’s no doubt about the grime piling up on there. First remove the batteries, then using a disinfectant wipe down once a week.

Trash Cans

Just because you take out the trash doesn’t mean the trash can is clean. Food leftover is one of the main culprits for this, making the cleaning process a bit more difficult. Scrub the inside of the can, and then rinse it with a hose or water. Spray the can with disinfectant on a regular basis to maintain cleanliness till the next wash.