7 Ways To Beat The Heat This Summer

Steven Ho Tips

1. An obvious one: drink water, and lots of it! Think of your body like a machine: whenever it’s physically exerted or exposed to hot weather, it heats up. Your internal cooling system causes you to sweat using the water saved up in your body, so it’s important to refill that. To some of us water may not be the first choice of drink however it’s the most pure and easily accessible in most situations.

2. Keep your house cool by prepping your windows for the heat. Close the windows and use drapes to keep the sun out during the day, but when the sun goes down open them up. If you must keep your windows open, hang a damp sheet in front of the window to cool the air entering your home. In addition to that make sure to open opposing windows to maximize the flow of air through the home.

3. In terms of clothing (both for day and night) try to pick items made of pure cotton. Cotton bedsheets and curtains too will allow more ventilation and breathability when relaxing in your bedroom.

4. Another tip is to point your portable fans outwards towards the window, which would push the hot air out instead of circling it around the same spot. For ceiling fans, adjust them to spin counter-clockwise.

5. The next tip is to cool your body at its cooling points! Your body has certain parts which are either pressure points or pulse points (such as your wrists, elbows, neck, behind your knees), which means this is where your blood vessels are closest to the surface. You can use either a damp bandana or a cloth filled with ice. An important thing to remember is to make sure the cooling items are cool and not cold. Now keep in mind this will not be a magical cooldown of your system where you will feel.

6. If you’re planning to stay in one spot, and you want to explore a creative option to cool yourself. Put a shallow tray or pan filled with ice in front of a fan. The breeze blown will pick up the water off the ice and create a satisfying mist. Who doesn’t want that?

7. The most simple way to beat the heat? Grab a quick shower and cool your body. Not only will it bring down your core body temperature but it will rinse off sweat, making you feel cool and clean.