Protecting your Properties for a Canadian Winter – A Checklist

Steven Ho Tips

According to the ever-popular Farmer’s Almanac, we’re in for a real Canadian Winter this year. We got off easy the past few years with warmer than average temperatures, but this year will be much like the winters of past years- wet, cold, and snowy!

To help you prepare for the deep freeze, we’ve come up with a handy checklist of things to check and fix on your properties. Try to do this while it’s still bearable outside!




  • If you’ve just moved in to a new house- make sure your house number is clearly marked in case of emergency. The numbers should be big enough to be easily seen from the street.
  • Make sure to disconnect all outdoor hosing and turn off water supply to the garage and backyard. If you neglect to do this, pipes could burst and require a costly fix.
  • Look outdoors for holes or cracks, and caulk them! This will help to keep the moisture outside your home.
  • Repair or replace weather stripping around doors and windows. This will give you a better seal and a more energy efficient home.
  • Repair any loose shingles on your roof – loose shingles can cause leakage into the attic or your top floor. Pay attention to the part of the roof that gets the most sunlight, as that will be the area with the most wear and tear.
  • Wrap your outdoor shrubs to prevent frostbite. You can do this by using burlap, which is cheap but also insulated. It will also help protect your plants from salt damage.
  • Seal your driveway to prevent further damage
  • Make space in your garage for your car – it will be a lot more bearable to get into in the morning.
  • Get some green alternatives to salt your walk and driveway – salt can damage trees and grass, so consider sand or even coffee grounds as an alternative!




  • Have your furnace inspected before cold arrives! The last thing you need is a broken furnace in the middle of winter.
  • Change your furnace filter. Furnace filters require changing every few months, depending on what brand and size, so check your packaging!
  • Cover or remove your window air conditioning unit, if you have one.
  • If you think one of your pipes might be frozen, shut off the water and call a plumber. A frozen pipe is not something you want to deal with yourself!
  • Make sure to move your space heaters away from flammable objects: fabric window coverings, bedding, furniture, and stuffed toys. Try to keep the heater at least 3 feet away from these things. Also, make sure your heater is placed on a flat surface where it is in no danger of tipping over.



Did you know? You can print this page and use it as your checklist! Just hit Ctrl and P to bring up your print options.

Did you find this list useful? What are your top priorities for protecting your home in the winter? What else would you like to see us write a blog on? Let us know in the comments below!