Choosing Your Home’s Colour Palette

Steven Ho Tips


Choosing a colour palette for your home can be difficult and that’s why we’re here to help! Here are some useful tips and guidelines to keep in mind:

Lighting: Choosing your colour scheme is highly dependent on lighting, both artificial and natural. Natural lighting determines if a room is dim or not during the day. If the sunlight coming through doesn’t fill the room well enough, then picking bright colours to decorate the space is ideal. For wall colour, going with light colours such as white, pastels, or a sunny yellow is the way to go. Using a light hand when painting these walls is key. If the lighting of the room is satisfactory or even overwhelming at times, picking a few dark pieces to absorb that light is a good idea and draws the eye to that fantastic royal blue cushion cover.





Furniture: The colour of your furniture matters when picking a colour scheme. If you have your pieces already, then picking your colours based on your furniture is your only choice. Within the realm of wooden finishes alone there are choices. Darker and medium wooden tones are highlighted by lighter colour palettes, for example: setting a dark mahogany dining table against a white wall. Following this logic, lighter woods would make a statement against darker backdrops. Golden-yellow wood tones are complimented by teals, reds, and greens. If you are looking for a subtle finish for any of these wood types, warm neutral shades would create a harmonious result.

Better Homes & Gardens: Randy Moore House




Consistency: Keeping a single hue as a theme which runs throughout each space will unify all the rooms in the house, despite the various shades or colours you may have chosen. Specifically picking a neutral colour scheme with an accent colour, will mean the accent colour would be the thread creating flow throughout the house. Choosing a vibrant colour scheme on the other hand would call for a neutral toned link. Picking one colour and using its various shades throughout the room is another popular theme. If that’s to muted for you consider using contrast.





Contrast: Bringing contrast into your living spaces adds another dimension to the room. It draws the attention to how the colours compliment each other. This is ideal for breaking the space, such as a long monochromatic couch whilst adding colour. Prevent chaos in your colour palette by sticking to one or (maximum) two accent colours which compliment each other. Consult a colour wheel when picking these colours, it makes the process easier and gives you a great visual of all your choices. Placing your contrasting pieces can be bold, such as painting a statement wall, or less stark such as a rug or window coverings.


