[two]Pricing a home in accordance with the real estate market is the most important thing to do in order to sell a home quickly, because the price is the first thing people take into account when looking to buy. An overpriced house immediately discourages buyers from seeing it, and thus decreases the overall interest in it by a great deal. A fairly priced home attracts multiple offers, and increases the chances of actually selling at higher than the asking price, because having multiple offers generates more space for negotiation.
Overpriced homes are usually sold for less than the asking price and for less then what they could actually be sold for, because the absence of competition forces sellers to settle for whatever they can get.
Having curb appeal is just as important as having the interior of the house clean and done up. The exterior is the first thing people see when they drive up to the house, and what encourages or discourages them from seeing it. This means that having your lawn mowed, walls painted and cleaned, and having a few flowers planted, could do wonders to draw them in.
[two] [/two][two]It’s important to de-clutter, because it creates the appearance of larger spaces, and it in general allows buyers to better envision themselves in these spaces. It’s also a lot more appealing when things are tidy, so it’s important to throw out or pack up the unnecessary items that may just be laying around. You also want to clean up the house therly, because a dirty house is unappealing, and because it may turn off potential buyers entirely. Cleaning thoroughly, adding a coat of paint, and having flowers in the living room can do wonders in sprucing up spaces and drawing buyers in.
It’s important to depersonalize your home as much as possible if you want to sell it quickly. This means removing “personal photos, collectables, accessories, and any religious and political items”. You want to neutralize the home as much as possible, to allow the buyer to visualize themselves in the home. You want to make it a “blank canvas” where they could picture themselves making new memories.
Making necessary upgrades is another sure way to sell your home quickly, and to add value to your home. Upgrading everything may not always be the best option, especially if your budget is limited, but it’s important to make some changes if they are greatly needed, like changing the sink faucets or appliances. If you have the budget and there is need for renovations, changing the entire kitchen and bathroom altogether is a good idea, since more people will be attracted to the new and unused, then to the old and in need of repair.
[two]It’s a fact that staged homes are more appealing to people then non staged homes, and that they sell faster in general. This means that if you have the extra budget to hire a professional stager it’s a great place to invest your money, if you are looking to sell fast. Staging will make all rooms more appealing, and will give an obvious role to all rooms, even to those that had none. If staging is not in your budget doing the above will suffice, and doing simple things like burning a few candles or baking fresh cookies can help greatly in making the place more appealing.
[/two][two] [/two]7. EASY TO SHOW
Being accommodating to the buyers is very important if the seller is looking to sell fast. More people will see the house if the seller is accommodating, which not only increases the likelihood of it selling fast, but also increases the likelihood of having multiple offers. Having multiple offers generally works in the sellers favor, because bitting often leads to the house being sold for more then what the seller had originally asking for.
[two] [/two][two]If sellers want to sell fast, putting their house on the market during the fall or the spring is a sure way of doing so, since the market is the busiest during these seasons. This means that sellers who want to sell fast should consider having the house sale ready by April or September.
[/two]9. GOOD PHOTOS
Having good photos put up on MLS is one of the most important ways of selling a house fast, because it’s generally one of the first things people see when looking at a property. Since pictures do a lot to either encourage or discourage people to see a property, it’s important to have photos of great quality only.
[two]It’s also extremely important to choose the right real estate agent if the seller is looking to sell fast, because some agents will try harder than others in meeting that expectation. It’s important to ask people we trust with whom they worked with, and to do our own research as well, to get a well-rounded idea of who may be the right agent to sell a house fast.
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