Interviewing a real estate representative

Steven Ho Buyer


Of all the houses that come onto the MLS, how many do you think actually sell?

There have been 15, 997 active listings in 2015, and only 7, 998 of them have sold, which means that only 49.9% of the listings in 2015 have sold. This means that some agents are more capable then others in selling homes. Given that there are so many agents out there, these are just some helpful questions that sellers/buyers should ask when interviewing an agent, which could potentially distinguish the more capable real estate representatives, from the less capable ones.

1. How long have you been a real estate agent for?

This is an important question to ask real estate agents, because it tells you how much experience they actually have. People generally feel comfortable with real estate agents who have experience, because it makes them think that they will be well taken care of. That doesn’t necessarily mean however that new agents should be dismissed right away. When it comes to new agents, it’s crucial to take into account the amount of confidence they have, and how motivated and enthused they are in helping you. It’s important to consider these things because those who are most eager to help often do the best job, regardless of how much experience they do or do not have.

2. Do you have details of reference I can contact?

It’s good to ask the real estate representative for contact information of their recent clients, because asking the clients’ questions can help you decide whether this particular agent is right for you. They can tell you about their experience of buying or selling in general, whether they were satisfied with the agent, and if they would or would not recommend them. If the real estate representative does not give out the information of past clients, ask to see their recent testimonials, as these could also greatly help you in making the decision.

3. What makes you different to other agents?

It’s important to ask real estate representatives what distinguishes them from other agents. This will give them a chance to prove themselves, and to show you what they are willing to do for you. What they can give you that other real estate representatives will not, and how they are better. Based on their response, you can make a more informed decision.

4. What are the negatives of my home?

When selling, it is important to ask this question, and even more important for the agent to answer it honestly. You don’t want a “nice” response but an honest one, based on what changes you could make that could increase the value of your home, or in general help you sell.

5. How close do you usually sell your listing to the asking price?

This is an important question to ask, because it tells you how well the agent is capable of pricing the homes. If the homes are sold close to the listing price, it tells you that the agent has a realistic point of view, and it shows that they will probably also be able to sell your home close to the asking price.